Magpie Puppets Workshops

Maggie Whalen has taught workshops at schools, museums, colleges, and even at Club Med! Magpie Puppets' puppet-making workshops bring children and adults the hands-on experience of creating characters and creatures from their imaginations. Tailored to meet your organization's needs, workshops range from one-hour puppet-building classes to multi-session workshops in puppet, mask and prop construction, story development, voice and performance.

As a pediatric occupational therapist, Maggie is able to foster children's fine motor development and can adapt activities as necessary.

Magpie Puppets on Curious George!
You can see Maggie Whalen teaching puppet-making in the live-action video segment of the Curious George "Sock Monkey Opera" episode on PBS stations across the country (shown with the "Auctioneer George" episode). The episode is repeated several times throughout the year. To view the workshop video now, choose
MOV or WMV format.


© Copyright 2014-2025 Magpie Puppets. All rights reserved.
Stoneham, MA • 781-438-0302
